Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Move it here, move that there!!

The title of this post pretty much describes my weekend!!  Had a great day Saturday shopping 2-different estate sales (I'll save that story for another post) and then working at my favorite resale shop where I volunteer when I can.  The day ended with a wonderful sermon by my pastor and a good nights rest, well deserved.

And then came Sunday.....I went to Winnie Sunday morning and didn't get home till late that afternoon.  My day was spent 'moving it here and moving that there'!!  I have decided to start selling used clothing, not vintage but great clothing I buy in bulk and resell for a very minimal price.  I still want to keep my focus on the retro/vintage items that I love so much, but this is a new adventure, one I've undertaken before but online.  I use to sell gently used clothing on ebay a few years back and did very well.  But, as with any business, there were issues that arose and so I decided to stop selling clothing.  The problem stemmed around people who weren't, shall we say, very honest or honorable, and who would buy an item, use it and then try to return it or say it had arrived in poor condition.  That's an ongoing problem with internet sales were the customer can't see what they are purchasing - but I am an honest seller and fully describe in great detail what the buyer would be getting.  None the less, those days are 'water under the bridge' and selling clothing in my shop is a different matter!

So I worked and worked my 'patootie' off and almost got the shop in shape.  My son Jonathan and I will be going there on Friday (took a day off work) and finishing it up.

Here are a few picture of the changes in progress---I'll be sure to post more pic's when it's done!!

As you can tell from the pictures, there is still LOTS to be done, but with Jonathan's help on Friday, we should be able to complete it this weekend.   And then, the show is on the following weekend, August 6th -8th.  Be sure to come check it out in person if you can!!!

God Bless All and Any who read this,
Pat, A Remade Life

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