Sunday, January 31, 2010

Flea Market!!

My son Jonathan and I went to the flea market this morning--and it was COLD!!  Winters here in Texas are predictable in their unpredictability!  This morning was overcast, cold and windy--a deadly combo.  We walked the flea market outside as long as we could then we would go inside (they have a large, HEATED, metal building with more vendors) warm-up and then go back outside.  And it paid off--I found 2-boxes of old, cast iron crosses for only 25 cents each!!  Want a bargain.  I can't wait to work with them and see what I can do with them.  Jonathan found some good stuff, 'boy' stuff, that he was excited about--game guides (he's a gamer) and 2-figures to add to his movie collection.  All in all it was a good day, but I'm really glad to be back in my warm home!!  I'm trying to find focus with my recycling/art business, but I've found that lately my attention is wandering everywhere.  Adult ADHD is so frustrating!!  I start working on my denim purses, see an article on recycled pillowcases and can't wait to start another project!! Oh well, I'll get control and organized soon.  Hmmmm, what can I do with those crosses--God's blessings to all and any who read this!!  Pat,  A Remade Life

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