Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hard work, little this crazy or what?!?!?


     A good friend of mine recently made a comment that really struck home with me.  He just couldn't understand why is it I put sooooooo much effort into a resale business when there is such little return right now.  His comment went something like this:  "Why do you work so hard on getting things just right at your shop when it doesn't seem to pay out very well?  I just don't understand, it doesn't make sense!" 

     And he's right---it doesn't make sense to work full-time at a 'real' job, to use your free weekends' to work yourself into the ground trying to get a side business going.   It doesn't make sense to get up super early on your days off just so you can beat your competition to the garage sales/estate sales to find 'treasures' for resale.  And it doesn't make sense to try and figure out WHAT in the world the buying public wants this week which is ALWAYS different from what they wanted LAST week!!!

     None of this makes sense and yet, so many of us resalers continue doing all of the above--why?!?

     Is it the thrill of the hunt?  Is it the thought that the next treasure we find for $1 could make us millionaires?!  Or is it something else?

     Well, I can't answer for anyone else, but I can tell you how I feel---its the hunt for me!!  There is just something about digging through box after box of junk, looking for that one item that will help you retire in total luxury.  That one elusive treasure has kept me digging through old barns full of petrified raccoon poop (true story), trash piles sitting outside a remodeled house and again, tons and tons of boxes full of everything from vintage dinnerware to broken worthless children's toys!! Picking, as we resellers call it, is very addictive.

     There is great joy in seeing value in an item that everyone else seems to have overlooked.  And it doesn't hurt to make some money off your investment too!

     So, back to the issue of 'working hard with little return'.   I wish I could come up with some deep, meaningful reason for what we 'pickers' do with our lives, but the truth is.......I just don't know.  Perhaps it is all based on hope--the hope that all our efforts will someday bring us financial security--the hope that we are making a difference in someone's life--the hope that the things from old that brought us joy will do the same for the next generation.  Yes, I think that's it---Hope--I like that answer.

My booth at a recent trade show

The goal is to NOT take everything home!

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

God Bless all and any who read this,

Pat, A Remade Life

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Be Someone's 'Miracle'!!

     As you can probably tell from my posts, I'm a Christian, a believer in Jesus as the son of God, Savior.  Now, while I profess this openly and whole-heartedly, I do understand that not everyone shares my belief's and there are some who are even opposed/turned-off by this.  I respect that and it is my goal as a christian to always be sensitive to others ways/beliefs while at the same time hold strongly to my own---not an easy task in this day and time when many take offense so easily.

     But one of the things I have found in all my wanderings and friendships with various and asundry people is that there seems to be one universal truth---to help our fellow man.  It is often the goal of many religions and sects, even those who don't have particularly strong beliefs--it is a 'common' thread. 

     Helping can come in many forms.  At it's very basic level a kind word can turn someone's day around and give them the encouragement they need to go on.  A simple compliment can bring confidence to someone who lives in a world of unsurety.   Trust me on this one cause I'm speaking as a person who grew up with depression and uncertainity!!  A kind word, a gentle touch can make a big difference!

     Help can be giving a co-worker a ride to work when their car is out of service; or taking your elderly neighbor to the store for food;  maybe even taking a friend to a movie just to get her out of the house after a nasty break-up with a boyfriend!  Don't have time for any of these?  Well, how about calling that friend or even texting her that you are thinking of her and care?!  Knowing someone is on your side ALWAYS helps!

     Yes, help can come in many, many forms---but there is another universal truth that can NOT be ignored---HELP is a verb, indicating ACTION!!  This means, WE must take action if any help is to be given!!  In the christian world there was a saying--'you've got to put 'feet' on your prayers'!!  This means, pray for sure but get out there and DO!!  Don't TALK about helping, DO it!!

     As you can tell I have fairly strong feelings on this subject---because I've been 'there', you know, in that needy place, that low-spot, that horrible rut where you must have help to climb out and get back on the road!  And I'm ashamed to say, I've also been in a position to help others and turned away--this is not something I'm proud of. 

     But..........this is a new day, a new dawn, a new beginning!!  And there is no reason I can't move on and change--and so can you!  Please forgive me if you are already in that wonderful place of helping others---I salute you, you are an awesome blossom!!

     And so, whatever your belief or thoughts are regarding a 'higher' power, join me in making it your goal to be someone's miracle today,to bless them with a kind word, a compliment or maybe help them financially or take them to lunch.  Your choice----just DO it!  I have NO doubts you will be rewarded, if not in this world then in the next!

God Bless all and any who read this,
Pat, A Remade Life