Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Good bye to Boston

     Did you ever have one of those weeks were every time you turn around there is a major event occurring?!  Well, a few weeks ago was my week.  On a Monday in mid-February, my sweet dog Boston passed away.  Boston was our sweet, gentle and quiet brown Labrador.  We got him when he was just 7 weeks old and had him for almost 18 yrs. well past the age most labs live I was told by the vet.  Boston Baked Beans was his full name and we often called him simply 'Beanie'.  If I had to give a one word description of Boston is would have to be 'unassuming'.  Boston was a humble, mild dog who never demanded attention but stood quietly by and waited for you to notice him.  He was never pushy, always patient and never complained if you forgot to love on him.  He was simply always 'there' waiting for your love.  My now adult children grew up with him, Brittany the youngest was only 7 when he came to live with us.  At 25 she has a hard time remembering life without Beanie.  And the kids needed him--their lives had become upset with divorce, moving to a new place with no friends and a new school.  So Boston quietly helped them transition into a new life.   He was good at that.

     Over the last yr we had to confine him to the kitchen due to his lack of controlling his bladder and bowel movements.  He even accepted his confinement with grace, although he would 'escape' if we left the baby gate down!  But mostly he just enjoyed the cool tile on warm summer days and a nice place to cuddle in the winter cold.  And occasionally he would sunbathe in the backyard and quietly watch our other 2-dogs chase the squirrels!

     It has been several weeks since he passed and yet I still find myself looking for him in the kitchen and for a brief few seconds, thinking he is simply outside and not gone forever.  It will take a long time before I stop looking for that sweet face.  After all, 18 yrs is a long time to have just a wonderful companion.

     "Good-bye, sweet Beanie, you were an important part of our lives and we will never forget you--rest well dear friend, you've earned it."

God Bless All and Any who read this,
Pat, A Remade Life